Thursday, 9 February 2012
Staff Update
Hello there everypony, just wanted to let you know that Shaun is letting me run this blog for now, so if you need to submit your logs or pictures, send them to instead of Shaun's email.
Monday, 6 February 2012
Just thought you'd all like to now, I'm dropping out of Running of the Leaves. I'll wrap up my story at the end of my Stage D log. I may show up to a few races as traffic, but that's it. I don't have time to run this blog along with all the others, so if somepony wants to take over, that'd be good.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Stage C Log "Chords" - Blackest Skyline
So, here I am, in some shady little garage called Pit's Stop; the rest stop in Buckston which is bookmarking the third stage of this journey. Truth be told, I don't really have much business here; the only real reason we're even here is to bear witness to the mending of Vinyl's bruised and beaten GT-R R35, which has taken such a pounding that I'm starting to doubt whether Vinyl can handle it properly. I mean, sure, it's packing some serious power; but it's got 4WD - a luxury the rest of us (bar a few) have to compete with. However, I'm not envious - having RWD means the XJ220 handles in a much less synthetic manner than the GT-R R35. The XJ220, by the way, still looked damn good, if a bit massive compared to the other cars on show. Since the GT-R was going to take some time to fix, I slinked out of the room while nopony was looking, and clambered back into the XJ220 to relax.
Monday, 30 January 2012
Stage B Log - Vinyl Scratch
I finally got to meet the stallion that had evaded me all this time, Blackest Skyline. I cantered into Pizza Stable expecting to see a black unicorn sat in a dark corner of the establishment, alone. I expected that, when I was to go over there to try and talk to him, he would refuse to acknowledge me because he has a hatred of other ponies and is only in this race to win, and he has some kind of dark motive behind the whole thing.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Stage A Log - "1992" Amber Flare
I hate being late. But I was this time. Getting caught up in
traffic in Stalliongrad meant that my time isn’t what I hoped it would be, and
the Renault that decided to clip me in the tunnel spun me out.
Furious and tired, I thrashed the Skyline the rest of the way, never dropping below 100mph. Traffic should be banned.
P.S. The event organisers are using my Sklyine as the promotional vehicle!
Monday, 16 January 2012
Stage B Log "Freedom" - Rainbow Dash
Now this is what I joined this race for! Screaming down the road at top speed, not a care in the world. For a while it was just me, my car, and the track. I had Metallica blasting through the radio and James Hayfield's music just seemed to fit perfectly with the situation. I felt free. I felt awesome.
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Running of the Leaves and The Everfree Media Group
The Everfree Media Group is a recently founded group of bronies willing to work together on multiple different projects. Currently, within the group, there are three projects; Everfree Motorsport, Running of the Leaves and The Celestian. The group is open to all who may be interested, so if you feel you have something to contribute, hit me up via my e-mail.
Thanks again,
Also, apologies for the slow posting of updates and incomplete stage list. I'm a little busy at the moment.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Stage A Log "Starting Off and Screwing Up" - Rainbow Dash
BUCK! I'm so bucking pissed off right now! I don't even want to right this stupid log right now! But apparently the pony running this thing wants us to "write about our experiences on and off the track". I haven't even seen this damn pony let alone heard their name! I guess I should calm down and write about what happened. Things were fine before the race. I was really excited to finally start this thing and get out of stalliongrad. Can't understand a single thing those ponies are saying. I decided to meet up with a few ponies for a drink.
Stage A Log - Shadow
So there I was the night before the start of the race, when I should have been resting and getting ready for the next day, but instead I was out partying. Now I probably drank a bit more than I should have and well the next think I remembered was waking up in my car, jumping up to check the time and hitting my head against the steering wheel. After I got over nearly knocking myself out I noticed it was only 30 minutes till race time and I had no idea where I was.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Stage B Log "Acquaintances" - Blackest Skyline
Trottingham; an industrialised town for the masses. Or, at least, it read like that in the brochure. When I arrived from the chilly peaks of Stalliongrad (the cool air had helped relieve the hangover a little bit, but it still lingered like a foul smell over proceedings), the blazing sun of Trottingham was a horrible addition to the cold, mechanised hell that this town represented. I never really like this place, and I thanked Celestia that I wouldn't have to spent too long in this hell.
Monday, 9 January 2012
Stage A Log - Derpy
OK, so as I’m sure every pony knows the starting point was at the Stalliongrad arms at midday with the start time being midday. This is very important to me and so I purposefully set an alarm for a few hours before so that I could be there earlier. However, much to my horror, Instead of setting the alarm on an alarm clock, I had set something up on a clock alarm. So anyway I was late but apart from that the run to Trottingham was pretty uneventful. There was an idiot that decided to change lanes in the entrance to the tunnel in which he managed to side swipe me. A few walls also has some nice additions to it which are mysteriously white and derpy mail colours. Looking forward to starting the next stage, hopefully on time this time.
Time: 27:52.992
Time: 27:52.992
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Introduction and Stage A Log - Lyra Heartstrings
Hi guys, Lyra here. If you don't know who I am, I am the minty green one. Anyway, I should really get to the point in this where I tell you abirtsef... dfoidhf... about myself. Sorry, these hooves are just not hands (Oh Celestia I want hands) and sometimes I hit the wrong keys. So yeah, I am Lyra, I live in Ponyville with Bon-Bon. And yes, we are. I have had previous experiences with a car, it was a DeLorean. It was all shiny and time machine and it helped me with some stuff to do with time and cake. I didn't like it, it was pretty slow and it talked to me. But that's another story, seriously, it is another story, read it sometime.
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Stage A Log - Vinyl Scratch
So I got about six hours sleep, not a great amount considering the long haul from the start to the next overnight stop. I'd spent the short time I was asleep on one of the back seats of the GT-R, which was still in the dealership's back room. I decided it was best to head for the race's start point, The Stalliongrad Arms. It was a pub, so I was hoping they served breakfast (I'd never really been to a pub previously.) The pub was about ten minutes from the dealership, and when I arrived three of the other competitors' cars were parked outside. I parked in between a blue Viper ACR and an orangey coloured Saleen, I think it was one of those S5S Raptor things. There was a black XJ220, too, so the competition looked tough.
Stage A Log - Fluttershy
Oh, so the the night we all arrived in Stalliongrad I was nervous not knowing what to expect... Turns out this race isn't like what I thought it would be. No, we're racing in cars; something in which I have experience in almost as much as sewing! Well knowing this I went out and bought a car suitable for just about anything we should encounter; A 2004 Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 9 MR. I bought it used for 20,000 bits. Yes, it was high but it had been bought and not used and brought back to the dealership, so I took it back to my cottage where me and Angel worked on it to get it ready in time so after I... Sorry, we finished it was ready to go. I could see it on everyponys face anticipation. Who would win? Who would manage to... um... crash?
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Stage A Log "Transcendence" - Blackest Skyline
Well, the journey has finally begun; Stalliongrad to Ponyville in the shortest time possible. It seems that general spirits amounst the group of competitors are high. We spent the first night relaxing, preparing for the voyage ahead. The starting point was the Stalliongrad Arms - a quaint little village pub, styled in a nostalgic manner like a gentlecolt's club. The other competitors seemed to blend well together; they chatted jovially and drank down many glasses of non-alcoholic beer; non-alcoholic because they didn't want to get hungover the next morning and risk binning their cars on the first stage.
Introduction - Derpy
Ok, so this is my introduction which means that I should probably write something about myself. My name is Derpy Hooves and for obvious reasons I love MUFFINS! I mean who doesn’t? Anyway back to this running of the leaves which is silly because leaves can’t run, and ponies call me derpy. I’m doing this so that I can prove that I am not the slowest driver out there, just adequately mediocre which is why I have chosen my Gallardo from the fleet of mail transports that sends your mail in all directions because one of them is bound to be the right one. It’s also so I can taste some great muffins from around Equestria because you can never have too many MUFFINS!
Stage A Log - DJ Sonar
Ok, so the introduction wasn't the greatest of intros, but there were a few issues at the time:
1. The Car wasn't fully race ready and tested
2. I did it about an hour before my gig at a nightclub
As you know, I am DJ Sonar - DJ to the masses. I mainly DJ at the nightclub "Luna's Eclipse" in Canterlot - Which is owned by the great Princess Luna. Not many ponies know that I actually helped to set up and design the club itself. We have great parties there. Anyway, back to the important stuff...
Monday, 2 January 2012
Introduction - DJ Sonar
Hello Everypony, my Name's Sonar, but you may know me better by my stage name, DJ Sonar. As you can tell, I am a house DJ for a nightclub in Canterlot, where I live, but I was born in good ol' Trottingham. Recently, I've taken a break from DJing to pursue one of my other passions - Racing. I bought myself a Lotus Elise 111S, and gave it a lot of upgrades. It creates 451 Horsepower, and will do 0-60 in around 3.7 seconds. It's gonna be quick! I haven't just entered for the race, y'know - I've also done it for the socialising, and for the fantastic views along the way, which I have a love for.
Introduction - Shadow
Well, my name's Shadow and I've decided to enter this Running of the Leaves competition. I guess I should probably say somethin' bout myself here; well I grew up around cars and racing my entire life and it's really all I have ever been interested in. When I heard about this competition I knew I had to enter.
Introduction - Blackest Skyline
My name is Blackest Skyline, and I am a unicorn residing in Canterlot in the country of Equestria. I should start with appearances; my body colour is all black, and so is my long and shaggy mane and tail - except for one small detail; there is a thick blood stain running through my mane. I won't go into the story about how it appeared - that's for another time - but I have tried to wash it out... in vain. Nonetheless, it looked pretty awesome, judging by the reactions I got from passerbys, so I decided to keep it.
Introduction - Fluttershy
Oh... Um... Hello there... Apparently I've been entered into a race... Not that I mind of course! It's just that, well, I... I... don't think I will win, ever since I left Cloudsdale I haven't done much "racing" of sorts... Well, unless chasing after Angel all the time counts... Not to say I'm not going to take part! It's just that I know there are others in this competition who are more a-tuned to this sort of thing than me...
Introduction - Amber Flare
Racing has been at the heart of my family for decades. During the early 90s I won the long-haul trucking world championship, in 96 the ERC and in 99, the Equestrian Le Manes. That was over a decade ago. Since then, all of my race cars have been sold for charity. But then, I was told about this. Hyped so much, it's turning into what could be the greatest achievement for a driver. Stalliongrad to Ponyville - a journey that would take the average driver more than a week - is going to take us just under four days.
Introduction - Red Moon
My name's Red, I'm a unicorn from the Everfree Forest. Entering The Running of The Leaves might be a good chance to socialise with other ponies.
Introduction - Rainbow Dash
My name is Rainbow Dash and I don't know why I'm writing this stupid log. I guess it's because I'm required to. I've never been really good at writing. I only did well in the practical parts of flight school. The written parts are why I dropped out. Well that and other reasons but I'm not here to talk about flight school I'm here to talk about this race. As soon as I heard about this race I was instantly interested. I'm the fastest filly flier in Equestria so now I'm going to try to become the fastest filly driver in Equestria. I got all of my bits together and got myself a nice Viper. I also got an awesome paint job that just screams coolness. I used my leftover bits to upgrade the car a little. I'm no gear head so I didn't really go too far into the tuning. I just put some stuff in the engine, gave it better brakes and better handling. the most I did for tuning was change the final drive and tire pressure. The car's loud and its fast and that's what I love about it.. I've taken it out on the streets and it goes fast. I love it. The cops don't though. Luckily they can't keep up with me. I'm really excited for this race to start. Maybe my friends will join up before it starts. I would like to see them on the road out there. Equestria better watch out because Rainbow Dash is behind the wheel and ready to roll.
Introduction - Vinyl Scratch
Life is an odd thing, you never quite know where it's going to take you, and how things are going to end up, but that's the fun of it. I'm Vinyl Scratch, or DJ PON-3 (That's my stage name, I do a fair bit of disk jockeying), and before I started my shift at my usual club in Stalliongrad last night I would've never imagined that I'd be pulling an all-nighter in the back room of Stalliongrad's prime Nissan dealership. Nor would I have anticipated spending 150,000 bits on a Haynessey tuned GT-R to enter into a race crossing half of Equestria, but here I am.
Sunday, 1 January 2012
To The Running Of The Leaves Blog, a blog following the stories of 11 drivers as they race from the icy peaks of Stalliongrad to the Whitetail Woods in Ponyville, each competing for a prize of 1,000,000 bits and a Ferrarity 458 Italia. Their objective? To post the fastest overall time across the stages.
For the average pony, the trip would take around 7 days, but these drivers are aiming to do it in under four.
For the average pony, the trip would take around 7 days, but these drivers are aiming to do it in under four.
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The prize; A limited edition Ferrarity 458 Italia and 1,000,000 bits. |
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